MNG82001 - Organisational Behaviour Assignment Help

Emotions are reactions that consist of subjective cognitive states, psychological responses, and expressive behaviors. As a child, when my favorite uncle died in a road accident I was exposed to sadness. It was a really sad day during his burial. as an adult, losing my favorite person in my life can relate to how I related to people. The cultural ideas of burial and the sadness accompanied by it have made me feel fear and sadness while on the other hand, I am able now to express these emotions with a smile or laugh when I recall the good times we shared. 

Researchers can avoid introducing their personal opinions about emotion in their study by including large samples to avoid sampling bias. Larger and more varied samples reduce omissions and over-inclusion biases. The researcher can also standardize all interactions between him or her and the respondents.

The advantage of using self-examination procedures to comprehend the cultural determinations of emotion can be that it is an easy and simple method that it provides direct observation of the mental process. On the other hand, self-report is an unreliable method of investigation. Different respondents often provide very different self-reports about the same stimulus. Even subjects well trained in self-report have varied responses to the same stimulus from trial to trial making it not very useful. Since the use of neuroimaging is observable and measurable, the results gotten empirically can be used to deduce emotions and behavior without relying on self-reporting methods.

Since empirical findings are measurable and observable, I believe that they have changed my perspective on emotions. This has been made possible by being able to have data and information that can be quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed of different respondents from different samples.

In the workplace, I would apply my current knowledge about culture and emotion to prevent misunderstandings between myself and my Chinese and Japanese employees by being aware of cultural differences and potential challenges workers may face when adjusting. The employees may feel confused or under strong pressures to adopt the ways of the dominant culture or to fit in with different groups that exist. I would research about the cultural norms of my employees and offer a variety of choices for work participation, personal expression and learning.

Conformity and Obedience.

Since there exists a relationship between me and my peers, I tend to dress and behave just like them so as to remain relevant within the social circles. It is very difficult to go against the norm since I will be branded as a loser who is a misfit in the social circle of my peers. In order to avoid doing things that my peers are engaging in I would be required to become an introvert. By doing so, I would rarely engage with my peers.

The informational effect helps us in doing the right thing in that we believe that other people have valid knowledge about an opinion or issue, and we use that information to help us make good decisions. descriptive norm information can be used to change behavioral problems in that one can change their perception towards others by observation of the people around us and selecting the right behavior and attitudes and consequently negating the undesirable behavior by other persons.

We frequently alter our attitudes and actions to resemble the attitudes and actions of the people within us. One cause for this conformity is a concern around what other people contemplate about us. An additional purpose we imitate to the norm is for the reason that other individuals often have information we do not and depend on on norms can be a sensible strategy when we are tentative about how we are supposed to act. From this explanation, it is evident that conformity is likely to occur during face-to-face encounters.

In majority of the situations, compliance is a decent thing. We are exposed at an early stage to obey guardians, instructors, and law enforcement agencies. It is similarly significant to follow guidelines from juries, firefighters, and rescuers. the authority can prove negative in some ways, individually in the occurs of blind obedience, in that the person exhibiting obedience fails to evaluate or question the requested and demanded action. 

 In order to stop individuals from obeying commands to participate in truly unacceptable actions such as violence and genocides, one can demand the authority’s legitimacy to give out the order.

One of the ethical issues of Milgram’s experiment was the protection of the participants involved. During the study, participants endured severe circumstances of shock that could have been attributed to psychological impairment There are various ways of conducting research on conformity and obedience without violating the guidelines by the voluntary withdrawal of participants. This ethical issue makes the researcher to respect the privacy of the participants. 



Central route persuasion talks about the duration of the message being shown to a person, the number of times, and the persuasiveness of the message. the audience believes what is shown or told and they were active here. 

An example of central route persuasion would be a television advertisement that shows a lot of people in a suburban area drinking the company’s beer brand. I would use the peripheral route by having an advertisement using the most famous celebrities since the would influence people on buying the companies beer.

Reciprocity principle can be exploited when an individual is proposing to clienteles some valuable information in exchange for signing up for future marketing offers. A cult leader can exploit the reciprocity principle by offering attention and mentorship to followers in exchange for loyalty. This makes the cult leader to exert control on his and or her followers.

I tend to feel obligated to return a favor when someone does a pleasant thing towards me like buying me a drink. The reciprocity norm is my greatest weakness since whenever someone buys me a drink I tend to overbuy for that person until I have no money left for my usage. I think I can avoid this behavior in the future by not being too generous towards people.

Personality Traits.

When the openness, consciousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (ocean) of personal traits are low, high, low, high, and low respectively, a person with this type of combination tends to have more conviction and perseverance and would be a risk-taker. The politician who I think falls into this category would be President Barack Obama. 

 Learning and genetic personality characters get combined in a matured persona and some observable changes can be seen. For example, an introvert may become extroverted and vice versa.

With the sudden demise of a loved one, people tend to act awkwardly and also exhibit undesirable behavior and attitudes. For a while, it becomes difficult to predict the behavior of such persons. when a person has a dramatic change in actions and appearance, feeling then A personality change occurs. A gradual personality change is normal for a person to experience some level of significant personality and its change is normal. 

As a child, I was very extroverted but as I went through high school in a different city changed me and I slowly became introverted.

Narcissism and pessimism are personal traits that are unique and people differ from one another. Narcissism is a personality disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. negativity is a tendency to see the worst aspect of things and believe that the worst will happen.  

 A narcissistic and pessimistic person will never want to peruse new things Excesses in character qualities become destructive when they are carried to excess or directed to harmful behaviors like crime or self-injury. Extremes in personality are unusual but produce good outcomes when they are directed to useful behaviors. For example, politicians show an extreme desire to have public involvement, such as through their business and political activities. Overall, they seem to produce positive outcomes for society.